
Cooperative Extension Service RDP

Rural Development Project

Our Mission

The UAF CES Rural Development Project develops and disseminates relevant and easily understood research and technology to rural Alaskans – primarily in the lower Yukon Kuskokwim rivers, the Copper River Valley and Southeast Alaska – to improve their quality of life. The Project maintains an open dialog with those stakeholders to identify and adjust to evolving needs. Download the RDP Magazine >

Our Vision

Project faculty and staff collaborate with public agencies, professional researchers, consultants, community groups and, most of all, stakeholders. Programs and services include:

  • Rural community development and economic analysis
  • Forestry and natural resources
  • Youth development
  • Energy alternatives and environmental management
  • Food self-sufficiency

Our Objectives

The RDP has identified the following objectives to attain both the mission and the vision.

  • Support research and outreach that responds to the needs of rural Alaska communities.
  • Increase opportunities for community participation in hands-on learning.
  • Use technology to deliver information and to enhance knowledge.
  • Manage the process of community outreach.
  • Foster strategic partnerships with public and private stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with public and private employers in workforce preparation.
  • Develop and maintain a highly qualified and motivated staff.

Good Resources Page

Good Reference/Publications Page
